Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What We Do In The Shadows


My next review will be on the film What We Do In The Shadows

First off, we have the story which has Viago, Deacon and Vladislav are vampires who are finding that modern life has them struggling with the mundane - like paying rent, keeping up with the chore wheel, trying to get into nightclubs and overcoming flatmate conflicts. I thought the story was very entertaining after waiting so long to see it. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were all very compelling and the their take on being vampires was interesting and their chemistry together showed throughout the film. 

As for the film's visuals I thought the cinematography throughout added to the style of the film that that it was going for and parts of it worked into the story. Moving onto the tone of the film which balanced the comedy as well as the drama together coherentlyI thought the soundtrack of the film when used add to the film well. 

I give What We Do In The Shadows a score of 10/10

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