Saturday, May 12, 2018

Death Proof

I decided to watch Death Proof

First off we have the story which has I thought the story was enjoyable but out of all the Tarantino movies I've seen so far it standouts as one of the lesser films he's done in terms of story.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were acted great in both parts of the film with the standouts being Kurt Russel for the parts he shows up in as well as Butterfly in part one. 

Now we have the action which for what there was involving the cars used by the characters in the second part of the movie were done really well for films I have seen that involve car action scenes. As for the visuals I thought the film looked really good especially the car action scenes which by making sure you can tell what is happening as well as using angles which show off the important parts of the action. Moving onto the tone of the movie which kind of takes the form of a revenge film as well as a film that feels and has the aspects a Tarantino movie has. I thought the soundtrack of the film was fitting of the film because of the types of music Tarantino likes to use in his films. 

Overall I thought this film was enjoyable and had fun parts for the most part but in terms of Tarantino films it doesn't stand up to the previous ones in my opinion but I would watch it again. 

I give Death Proof a score of 6/10

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