Saturday, May 12, 2018

Jurassic World

I decided to watch Jurassic World

First off we have the story which has a newly created dinosaur: the Indominus Rex breaking out and causing havoc in a newly created park and Owen, a raptor expert has to help stop it. I thought the story was very entertaining to watch especially when the Indominus Rex breaks free and causes havoc. Although there were a few story threads that got in the way a bit such as the army and divorce plots.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought the only one that stood out was Owen played by Chris Pratt who gave a great performance and the fact his character was likeable. The rest of the characters were either annoying or unlikable such as the kids.

Now we have the action which was thrilling and entertaining to watch with the Indominus Rex causing havoc throughout the park and Owen trying to stop it while finding Gray and Zach. As for the visuals I thought the film was shot really well with the location footage of the park making the park look really cool. The effects of the dinosaurs also looked really cool and the main one of the movie was threatening. Moving onto the tone of the movie which did well to capture the aspects of the Jurassic Park franchise. I thought the soundtrack of the film was fitting of this film and the variety of tracks were used well in the scenes that needed it such as a tense scene or an adventurous scene. 

Overall I thought this film was very entertaining and after a shaky second film and lackluster third film, this one manages to make Jurassic Park good again and I would definitely watch this one again. 

I give Jurassic World a score of 8/10

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