Tuesday, June 12, 2018

American History X


For the third film of the month we have American History X

First off, we have the story which has two brothers who become embroiled in the Neo-Nazi movement and after getting out of prison one brother decides to help the other out to not make the same mistakes. I thought the story was an interesting one mainly because of the subjects used and at times some of the film was hard to watch but I still found it intriguing to what it might have been like being in those gangs. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very interesting indeed as Edward Nortan's character starts off as someone as you hate but as the film progresses you can feel for him and the chemistry with his family especially his brother brought the film together which shows why he is the standout performer of this film.

Now we have the action which was a very touchy aspect of the film as it they related to crimes that related to racism so it went to certain places that I didn't think went to over the top but still allowed you to think about them. As for the film's visuals I thought the way the story was told with the flashbacks being in black and white and the present story being in colour was a good way to show the non-linear aspect of the story like other films that did the same thing. Moving onto the tone of the film which because of the subjects that were tackled in this film made it had to watch in places but to get the points across it probably needed to go down that path. I thought the soundtrack of the film when used added to the overall film.

Overall, I thought this film as a character and story driven one was excellent and it wasn't afraid to tackle serious topics like the ones shown in this film although very depressing it was a great watch.

I give American History X a score of 8/10

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