Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Departed

For the eleventh film of the month we have The Departed

First off, we have the story which has an undercover cop who goes undercover in the Irish mafia on an operation not knowing the same mafia has sent a spy into the police force. I thought the story was very entertaining with a consistent pace 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very compelling and developed. The acting as a whole was outstanding especially from the main players of Di Caprio, Damon and Nicholson who were the standouts. The chase between Damon's and Di Caprio characters was very entertaining.

Now we have the action which I found to be very entertaining as well as thrilling from both sides of the law. As the tension throughout the film built up so did the action as both sides become suspicious of what's happening. As for the film's visuals I thought the cinematography of the film was one of the best aspects as it because it gave the film a gritty look as well as being consistent through the whole film. Moving onto the tone of the film which I really enjoyed and constant tension built up as each of the undercover agents become embroiled with the mafia and find out about each other. I thought the soundtrack of the film fit the it very well with a mixture of tracks that felt stylised for this type of film.

Overall, I thought this film was excellent and it kept me hooked throughout with a great story, compelling characters and a gritty tone. This has now become one of my favourite films. 

I give The Departed a score of 10/10

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