Thursday, May 16, 2019

Fantastic Four

For the seventh film of the month we have Fantastic Four

First off, we have the story which has four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy. I thought the story was very weak and the way it was constructed seemed to rush the events between the acts. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were in terms of acting very dull which is a shame considering some of the stars in it who had potential to be good in their roles. 

As for the film's visuals I thought the cinematography throughout was very bad with it's overly usage of dark lighting which in some scenes would work but because the majority of the film is like that it becomes distracting. Now we have the action which tried to be entertaining if only there was more of it. Moving onto the tone of the film which tried to bring a darker feel to the reboot but I didn't feel it was the right way to go considering the characters involved. I thought the soundtrack of the film was nonexistent and didn't add much. 

I give Fantastic Four a score of 3/10

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