Sunday, July 15, 2018


For the third film of the month we have Dredd

First off, we have the story which has the enforcer of justice: Dredd and his apprentice having to go through a 200 storey block of flats in order to put an end to the crime and stop a well known drug dealer who is somewhere inside. I thought the story was very entertaining with a fast pacing that moved the story along but you could enjoy some of the cooler moments.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very entertaining and i thought the acting backed that up with Karl Urban putting in a great performance as Judge Dredd and his chemistry with Olivia Thirlby as Anderson his partner was interesting as she is tested throughout the film since she is wanting to become a judge. Lena Heady as the villain Ma-Ma was ruthless and dark with the way she handled the citizens left in the building while fending off the Judges.

Now we have the action which was the highlight of the film as Dredd and Anderson fought through each floor of the building to get to Ma-Ma. The use of slow-motion at times had a credible reason for being there and showed off how violent it got with the blood and the detail of people getting shot.

As for the film's visuals I thought the film looked really good with the way it portrayed the living conditions within the city and especially the building they get stuck in as it is grey, grimy and because of the drug gangs not safe to do be in. Moving onto the tone of the film which I really the way it didn't hold back on the violence as well as the blood when the bullets start flying and having it contained in one building escalated the tone as things got progressively harder. I thought the soundtrack of the film when used was ok and it worked well enough throughout the film. 

Overall, I thought this film was a thoroughly entertaining film which I had no expectations for going and at the end I came out very surprised and I would definitely watch this film again. 

I give Dredd a score of 8/10

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