Friday, July 27, 2018

The Transporter

For the eighth film of the month we have The Transporter

First off, we have the story which focuses on a man who hires himself to transport various items with no questions asked, that is until his next cargo is the daughter of a Chinese crime lord he must work to save her while being chased by a local detective. I thought the story was very entertaining and the idea behind the story was done very well with the running time helping this film a lot.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very mixed with Jason Statham as Frank giving a great performance with his OCD transporter who slowly breaks his habits through his next job. his relationship with the detective Tarconi was an interesting one as the encounter each other throughout the movie. I found the villains for this film very lackluster and not remediable.  

Now we have the action which I thought was very entertaining with both the car chases and the hand to hand/gun action sequences having a fast and lively pace that were very enjoyable to watch. As for the film's visuals I thought it had a very nice look to it with the setting and locations adding to the aesthetics. Moving onto the tone of the film which I managed to capture the essence of an action films tone with the high violence but also balancing the moments between the characters that give the film a bit of life. I thought the soundtrack of the film fit the style of the film and when it came to the fight sequences that's when the music really worked well added to the action.

Overall, I thought this film was a fun and enjoyable one that really surprised me with how much I liked it and as one of the few Jason Statham I have seen I look forward to watching more in the future.

I give The Transporter a score of 7/10

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