Monday, July 23, 2018


For the fourth film of the month we have Oblivion 

First off, we have the story which has a veteran soldier who mines Earth's last vital resources but soon becomes suspicious and questions his mission and himself. I thought the story was entertaining and had it's moments throughout. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought Jack played by Tom Cruise was the standout as he discovers the truth about the alien invasion and the truth behind his own past. The rest of the cast were mixed with some working and some of them not. 

Now we have the action which when needed was pretty good with some well executed sequences that kept the film going. As for the film's visuals I thought it looked unoriginal and in terms of it's post apocalyptic setting with the planet being destroyed like any other of this genre, It also had the same aspects you would expect to see such as an a underground group and hidden secrets about the aliens. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought at the start captured the feel of a sci-fi film however the execution of the mystery was lackluster. I thought the soundtrack of the film managed to balance the tracks that were for the action but also for the suspense and mystery.

Overall, I thought this film was a mixed bag with a lot of it worked but also not working but nevertheless it was entertaining to see the film unfold.

I give Oblivion a score of 6/10

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