Monday, December 3, 2018


For the first film of the new month we have M

First off, we have the story which when the police in a German city are unable to catch a child-murderer, other criminals join in the manhunt. I thought the story was very entertaining especially the morals that get thrown in later on in the film.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very interesting and were all well acted especially when you meet the man who is doing all the murders around the city and see what he is like.

As for the film's visuals I thought it looked really good and there was some impressive cinematography throughout with the use of lighting and shadows to build up some of the scenes. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought did a great job at capturing the thriller aspects and the suspense of finding the killer and putting a stop to him.

Overall, I thought this film was an excellent film from start to finish and again proves why I need to start watching more foreign films and even more older films to get a sense of where film used to be.

I give M a score of 9/10

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