Friday, January 11, 2019


For the second film of the month we have Amy

First off, we have the story which has archival footage and personal testimonials present an intimate portrait of the life and career of British singer/songwriter Amy Winehouse. I thought the story was enlightening getting to see the life of Amy and what she went through in her career and personal life good and bad. 

As for the film's visuals I thought using archived footage oh her life mixed with personal statement from people who knew her added to the story being told to give a clear picture. Moving onto the tone of the film which wasn't afraid of showing both the good and bad parts of life to show the overall picture of what her life was like. I thought the soundtrack of the film which was comprised of her music which helped with the immersion and add backing to the relevant film scenes. 

Overall, I thought this film was a very interesting one and I found getting to know about the life of a music artist that I hadn't listened to a lot very enlightening because of what they go through and experienced personally or in the media.

I give Amy a score of 9/10

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