Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Manchester By The Sea


For the twelfth film of the month we have Manchester By The Sea

First off, we have the story which has a depressed uncle is asked to take care of his teenage nephew after the boy's father dies. I thought the story was impact-full as well as emotional from start to finish 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were felt real and added some real emotion and weight to the film with what everyone is going through especially Casey Affleck as Lee Chandler with his portrayal of a broken man. 

As for the film's visuals I thought the natural look to the film in terms of the colours and setting give the film a cold but distinctive look. Moving onto the tone of the film which I found really interesting especially with how the drama was presented over the course of the story. I thought the soundtrack of the film was did well at adding to the emotional points and adding weight to the film.  

Overall, I thought this film was a very interesting film and the themes presented helped build the film up with some fantastic chemistry between Lee and his nephew Patrick as try to reconnect and deal with what has happened. 

I give Manchester By The Sea a score of 9/10

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