Sunday, January 13, 2019


For the fourth film of the month we have Collateral

First off, we have the story which has a cab driver who finds himself the hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during one night in Los Angeles. I thought the story was very entertaining and the script with the interaction between the two main leads added to the feel of the film. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were one of the best parts about the film especially the acting of the two main leads: Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx who contrast against each other so well and their back and fourth keeps the film going. 

As for the film's visuals I thought was another fantastic aspect about the film showing off the main setting of Los Angeles at night and the cinematography with the lighting and camera movement was on point. Now we have the action which when it came on screen was very thrilling and entertaining to see what would unfold next. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought built the film up very well with some very compelling drama that from start to to finish made you on the edge of your seat. I thought the soundtrack of the film was very good and added to the tension throughout the film as it escalated. 

Overall, I thought this film was a very entertaining one that from start to finish had me on the edge of my seat and the chemistry between Vincent and Max made the film even more enjoyable with their conversations and especially when things spiral out of control. 

I give Collateral a score of 9/10

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