Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Full Metal Jacket

For the seventh film of the month we have Full Metal Jacket

First off, we have the story which has A pragmatic U.S. Marine observing the dehumanizing effects the Vietnam War has on his fellow recruits from their brutal boot camp training to the bloody street fighting in Hue. I thought the story was very entertaining and I found the script both dark and thrilling throughout. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were all great especially in terms of acting especially when the war hits and they have to go out and fight in Vietnam and what they end up seeing. 

As for the film's visuals, I thought the cinematography was very good especially the camera positioning and movement during the later part of the film when the characters got to the Vietnam War. Now we have the action which when it came later on in the film was very entertaining and thrilling while also keeping up the intensity of certain scenes so you care for the characters situations. Moving onto the tone of the film which i found very interesting because of the way dark comedy was used in a war situation but also how it handled the darkness of the Vietnam war. I thought the soundtrack of the film was very strange at times but because of the mix of dark comedy and drama it somehow managed to work. 

Overall, I thought this film was another fine film by Stanley Kubrick and I continue to enjoy his catalogue of films and I look forward to whenever the next one comes around to I look forward to it. 

I give Full Metal Jacket a score of 9/10

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