Monday, October 29, 2018

Moonrise Kingdom

For the twentieth film of the month we have Moonrise Kingdom

First off, we have the story which has a pair of young lovers flee their New England town, which causes a local search party to fan out to find them. I thought the story was very entertaining with some good character moments throughout and the relationships the main focus.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were one of the best parts about the film with the acting from all of the cast adding to the film very well. The relationship between the two main leads felt true and you could see the chemistry between the two building over the film's run-time.

As for the film's visuals I thought were another one of the best parts about the film with the way the cinematography was used to give it a cool look but also the camera positioning and movement were excellently used. The setting of the film really worked to build the world and characters around them. Moving onto the tone of the film which managed to get a balance of weird and quirky humour and some serious and dramatic aspects to make it entertaining to watch. I thought the soundtrack of the film was very interesting and used tracks that gave it a different sound to most films out there but familiar to Wes Anderson films. 

Overall, I thought this film was an excellent and enjoyable from start to finish with a fun and unique story with characters that you cared for and visuals that made it a sight to behold and I look forward to seeing more Wes Anderson films

I give Moonrise Kingdom a score of 10/10

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