Saturday, October 13, 2018

Sherlock Holmes And The Voice Of Terror

For the third film of the month we have Sherlock Holmes And The Voice Of Terror

First off, we have the story which has Sherlock Holmes and his devoted assistant, Dr. Watson are summoned by British intelligence to find the source of the mysterious "Voice of Terror." I thought the story was very entertaining and having it take place during WW2 then Victorian London was a fresh setting for the characters.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were great in this film even though the setting had changed Holmes and Watson were their usual best with Rathbone stealing the show as he does as Sherlock with the rest of the cast filling out the other roles well enough. 

As for the film's visuals I thought had a nice look to it and continues to create a film-noir atmosphere with it's lighting and and shadows as well as the editing which was at it's best in this film with the fast paced story. Moving onto the tone of the film which kept the pace fast as to raise the stakes of the entire film which were higher than any of the previous two films. I thought the soundtrack of the film was good and suited the type of film it wanted to be presented as. 

Overall, I thought this film was an entertaining one with a great story and story that the characters carry very well and continues the good record of the past films and keeps my interest in them high.

I give Sherlock Holmes And The Voice Of Terror a score of 7/10

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