Wednesday, March 13, 2019

3 Idiots

For the seventh film of the month we have 3 Idiots

First off, we have the story which has Two friends searching for their long lost companion. They revisit their college days and recall the memories of their friend who inspired them to think differently, even as the rest of the world called them "idiots". I thought the story was very enjoyable with some heartfelt and funny moments throughout. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were all very well acted and the chemistry between all 3 main actors helped add weight to the film and all worked well off each other. Aamir Khan, one of the main actors continues to show me how good he is in the third film I have seen him in. 

As for the film's visuals I thought the cinematography was consistent as well as using some interesting camera movement and positioning and the colours used for the music scenes as well as parts of the film showed what Indian films can do. Moving onto the tone of the film which got the balance of character drama as well as comedy which as it unfolded you wanted to see how everything would come together. I thought the soundtrack of the film was interesting with certain tracks as well as sequences helped add to the characters feelings and situations throughout the story. 

Overall, I thought this film was a very enjoyable with a heartfelt story and engaging characters. This also keeps the run of Indian films I have seen going that have entertained me and I look forward to dive further into films from the country

I give 3 Idiots a score of 9/10

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