Tuesday, March 26, 2019

L.A. Confidential


For the twenty-fourth film of the month we have L.A. Confidential 

First off, we have the story which has corruption growing in 1950s Los Angeles, three policemen -- one strait-laced, one brutal, and one sleazy -- investigate a series of murders with their own brand of justice. I thought the story was very entertaining as well as complex with all the plot lines going on. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very good and the acting throughout was great with the three main leads all giving their all to standout with the chemistry between them was fun to see. 

As for the film's visuals, I thought attempted the neo-noir style very well in terms the lighting and shadows. The camerawork was also impressive and the angle choices also added to the film. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought did a good job at making a very unsettling and dark time mixed with the mystery within the story to keep you invested. I thought the soundtrack of the film was great and it added to the setting and year of the film as well as certain parts which added to the tension and mystery.

Overall, I thought this film was very enjoyable and I was interested to see how everything would come together by the end which I can say I wasn't disappointed because how it crafted the story and characters together to suit the 1950's setting.

I give L.A. Confidential a score of 8/10

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