Thursday, March 7, 2019


For the third film of the month we have Roma

First off, we have the story which tells the year in the life of a middle-class family's maid in Mexico City in the early 1970s. I thought the story was very emotional and as it progressed it I found myself becoming captivated from what was being brought on screen and it left me speechless by the end. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were superb in terms of the acting but also I found the characters very interesting with the main character Cleo's dynamic with the family and how that is effected over the course of the story as well as with what she goes through personally. 

As for the film's visuals I thought they were immaculate and carefully planned and the way the camera was used was mesmerising as it moved throughout the scenery usually in long takes which added to the film very well. Moving onto the tone which I found to be one of the best parts about the film with some focused drama that you wanted to see unfold and how things would come together. I thought the soundtrack in terms of the sounds used was very good as they little sounds that were picked up like conversations and sounds of living in that time and city just added an extra piece to build up the setting. 

Overall, I thought this was a fantastic film with an emotional core that kept the film going and you could care for the characters and their situation both personally as well as what it would have been like living when the film was set and I would definitely see this again in the future. 

I give Roma a score of 10/10

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