Sunday, March 31, 2019


For the final film of the month we have Heat

First off, we have the story which has a group of professional bank robbers who start to feel the heat from police when they unknowingly leave a clue at their latest heist. I thought the story was very entertaining and a thrill ride with all the plot threads and chases.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were all well acted and the performances by Al Pacino and Robert De Niro were fantastic and brought you into the story and their eventual chemistry was great to see. 

As for the film's visuals I thought the cinematography throughout was masterful in terms of the direction as well as camerawork to give the film an interesting style and build up the tension. Now we have the action which I found was thrilling and very entertaining with each sequence. Moving onto the tone of the film which was full of intensity from the moment the story kicks and doesn't give time for anything else. I thought the soundtrack of the film, although dated, worked well for the time and added to the style and story. 

Overall, I thought this film was very enjoyable in terms of the story along with the incredible direction and camerawork to make it an intense thrill ride that keeps you guessing how it is going to end. 

I give Heat a score of 10/10

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