Sunday, August 26, 2018


For the twentieth film of the month we have Cops

First off, we have the story which has a young man who gets on the wrong side of the Los Angeles Police Department at a parade and is chased all over town I thought the story was simplistic in it's idea but ended up being very funny to see as the man find all sorts of ways to escape the police.

Next, we have the main character which overall, I thought was very simple as for a story like the one in this film, he doesn't need to be anything special or extraordinary and it works just as well being normal. 

As for the film's visuals I thought they were excellent, simple but effective the give the film what it needed to boost the comedy further and the camera played a good role with it in the way it was placed and how it moved. Moving onto the tone of the film which i thought was great as the comedy just kept going it was even more enjoyable to watch as the situations just got crazy. I thought the soundtrack of the film sold the film completely to make all the situations even funnier than they were.

Overall, I thought this film was film was entertaining as such a simple idea could be turned into a grand scale film such as this that hits all the right notes in terms of production and execution. 

I give Cops a score of 8/10

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