Friday, August 31, 2018

Transporter 3

For the final film of the month we have Transporter 3

First off, we have the story which has Frank on his next job to safely transport the daughter of a Ukrainian official while having to face thugs who want to stop the transportation. I thought the story was somewhat enjoyable however I preferred the previous films before this one.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were one of the weakest parts of the film with only Jason Statham as Frank being the only one who gave a decent performance. In terms of the side characters and villains I didn't really care about the acting wasn't that impressive.

As for the film's visuals I thought were at least half decent during the action sequences and you could see what was going on, other than that they weren't that good. Now we have the action which I thought was somewhat entertaining and had some decent sequences that are familiar to the franchise. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought did an ok job with it's action while having a bit of comedy spread throughout. I thought the soundtrack of the film was and had tracks that fit the style and action of the film. 

Overall, I thought this film was a disappointing film that I thought could at least pull at least an average film but unfortunately it failed to accomplish that and this is the end result of the trilogy. 

I give Transporter 3 a score of 4/10

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