Saturday, August 4, 2018

Me And Earl And The Dying Girl

For the first film of the month we have Me And Earl And The Dying Girl

First off, we have the story which has Gregg who coats through his senior year of high-school and along with his friend Earl who together make bizarre films as they befriend a classmate who has been diagnosed with leukaemia. I thought the story was very entertaining as well as having some touching moments in it that made it more enjoyable.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were the best parts of the film in terms the acting but all the main characters shone through in their own way especially Gregg and Rachel who's chemistry is the crux of the film and turned out to be very believable. 

As for the film's visuals I thought they were stunning especially the camera techniques and placement giving the film it's unique look. The animations were also done very well and also helped with the uniqueness of the film.The lighting was also really good with the colours been focused towards warmer colours like yellow and orange. Moving onto the tone of the film which managed to be really funny but also when the drama came in the film went to some real places that a lot of people can face when it comes to cancer. I thought the soundtrack of the nature of this film especially capturing the sad and positive styles of music. 

Overall, I thought this film was very enjoyable and it had a lot of heart to it which came mostly from Gregg and Rachel's relationship. The camerawork and soundtrack were some of the best elements of the film that make this one of my favourite movies I have seen.

I give Me And Earl And The Dying Girl a score of 10/10

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