Wednesday, August 22, 2018


For the thirteenth film of the month we have R.I.P.D

First off, we have the story which has a recently dead cop who is brought in to work for the Rest In Piece Department which hunts down spirits who are hiding on Earth from their judgement and they discover a plot which threatens the cosmic balance. I thought the story was very generic and not that entertaining to watch. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were one of the worst parts of the film both in acting and character wise as they followed the generic buddy cop material of not getting along and then working together at the end and the comedy and chemistry between them was annoying. There was also the side cast which again was unimpressive or generic.

As for the film's visuals I thought in terms of the special effect was very bad and you would be surprised because of how far CGI has come along in other films. In terms of the cinematography there wasn't that much in it to make the film look any different or unique from any other action film but it was ok. Now we have the action which was unimpressive and standard action scenes you would normally see. Moving onto the tone of the film which tried to be funny and create a fun film however that ended up not being the case and the comedy was repetitive and unfunny and took down the film. I thought the soundtrack of the film was none existent and unimpressive. 

Overall, I thought this film was just an ordinary bad film you would normally get with nothing that stood out and felt like a combination of other films but only worse than them because it tried nothing different to stand out.

I give R.I.P.D a score of 1/10

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