Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Need For Speed


For the fourth film of the month we have Need For Speed

First off, we have the story which has Tobey a street-racer who is recently out of prison after being framed by an old business partner and enters a street race for his revenge  while also having a bounty on his head. I thought the story was very lacking and turned out to be a simple revenge story which can have entertainment but ended up having generic moments. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were for the most part the weakest aspect of the film with most of the characters taking on general stereotypes a film like this has: the rival. the supportive friends, the love interest. Aaron Paul manged to pull a good performance as Tobey to hold the film up. 

As for the film's visuals I thought weren't that impressive in terms of general dialogue scenes but when the action came in that's when they picked up and made the film more entertaining which should be the point of a street race. There were also some of the location footage which also looked nice. Now we have the action which I thought did look good and you could tell they cared about making the car chases entertaining to watch and making sure you could see what was going on and the slow-motion in places worked. Moving onto the tone of the film which did an ok job at setting the film up trying to give the film some suspense which it did in places. I thought the soundtrack of the film was another weak aspect with generic action tracks to hype up the chases. 

Overall, I thought this film was an enjoyable film that kept me entertained but that's all it was a mindless action film with a generic story but the action gives the film at least something to work with.

I give Need For Speed a score of 6/10

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