Sunday, August 26, 2018

Safety Last!!#/media/File:Safety_last_poster.jpg

For the nineteenth film of the month we have Safety Last!

First off, we have the story which has Harold who moves to New York City to earn enough money to support his girlfriend but finds life in the big city hard until he hears about a challenge to climb a tall building as a publicity stunt for a shop he wants his friend to do it but when he is on the wrong side of the law, he must take the challenge himself. I thought the story was funny but also very dramatic as some of the stunts that took place were death defying for the times.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were in terms of acting both funny but also relate-able in ways as you feel for Harold's situation and the ways he tries to earn money to please his girlfriend. Then you have his girlfriend who only wants the best for them both.

As for the film's visuals I thought heightened the comedy as well as masking some of the set-ups for the comedic moments with simple movements and camera placements. Moving onto the tone of the film which I found to be very funny and shows me how much silent movies have influenced current film and being at the high standards for comedies. I thought the soundtrack of the film complemented it and added to the comedy and situations to give you a reaction.

Overall, I thought this film was fantastic film and it shows what silent films can achieve and that I should go back and look at more to get a better understanding of how film grew to what it is now.

I give Safety Last! a score of 8/10

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