Saturday, August 18, 2018

Pitch Black

For the ninth film of the month we have Pitch Black

First off, we have the story which has Riddick a criminal who was being transported to a prison on a spaceship which crash lands on a desert planet who now has to team up with the survivors when creatures begin to attack. I thought the story was somewhat enjoyable.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were the weakest part of the film with only Vin Diesel as Riddick standing out from the bunch with the rest of the cast being the crew of the crashed ship being annoying or unlikable. 

As for the film's visuals I thought the lighting was one of the more unique parts of the film sometimes going from bright oranges to blues at the beginning but when they get caught in a eclipse the lighting got better and helped the atmosphere. Now we have the action which for the most part was entertaining as the creatures went after Riddick and the crew and you would see who would get picked off. Moving onto the tone of the film which was good at building the tension which in combination with the horror worked well. I thought the soundtrack of the film used mostly for building the tension and action scenes.

Overall, I thought this film was average at best but still enjoyable being hampered by it's characters and indifferent story with some good parts but also some parts that were generic for this type of film. 

I give Pitch Black a score of 5/10

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