Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Das Boot

For the thirty-first film of the month we have Das Boot

First off, we have the story which has a German submarine hunts allied ships during the Second World War, but it soon becomes the hunted. The crew tries to survive below the surface, while stretching both the boat and themselves to their limits. I thought the story was very entertaining to watch and even though it was over three hours that didn't matter as the pacing was consistent and every event mattered. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very interesting as the film focused on a crew of German officers so you saw them fighting the British however you still cared for their situation and you could see they all worked together well and the chemistry was very good. 

As for the film's visuals I thought when it was focused in the submarine it built the claustrophobic atmosphere with the sets that add to the realism of the film and what it would have been like to be aboard one especially when the camera moved with the action inside the submarine. Then there were some stunning imagery such as the outside shots of the submarine as well as a particular shot with a destroyed boat.

Now we have the action which I thought was very thrilling and entertaining to watch as you are seeing the perspective of the crew you see them react to all the situations however grave and they push themselves to the limits. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought was built up excellently as the crew faced difficult opposition and you waited to see what the outcome would be and how the crew would face it. I thought the soundtrack of the film when used was very good as well as the added sounds of the submarine but when there was no soundtrack during the tense scenes is when the film was at it's best. 

Overall, I thought this film was both an entertaining and claustrophobic war film that pushed the crew and the boat too their limits and the tension couldn't be higher which made the film more thrilling to watch.

I give Das Boot a score of 9/10

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