Sunday, September 2, 2018


For the third film of the month we have Whiplash

First off, we have the story which shows the relationship between an upcoming drummer and his tough instructor. I thought the story was very entertaining as well as thrilling with some really intense moments in it that was brought out through it's characters. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were the best part about this film especially because of the chemistry between Andrew played by Miles Teller and Fletcher played by J.K. Simmons who both stole the show with their battle of wits and how far they would go for the music. 

As for the film's visuals I thought which I really enjoyed with it's use of lightning and colour pallet which are used in ways to to give off an interesting context such as the yellow and orange colours when Andrew and Fletcher are together and when Fletcher gets reveals his true nature when teaching. There was also the use of colours like blue and green which occurs when Andrew is either reflecting or in some distress which balances out the pallet.  Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought was exceptional because of the way the way tension was built from the relationship and battle between Andrew and Fletcher which was the main focus of the film. I thought the soundtrack of the film was also great with it's use of jazz as well as drum pieces. 

Overall, I thought this film was wonderful built up with high tension through it's two main leads that have great chemistry with each other and you feel the conflict they have with one another to make a breathtaking film.

I give Whiplash a score of 10/10

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