Sunday, September 2, 2018


For the fourth film of the month we have Gladiator 

First off, we have the story which focuses on an old Roman general who wants to get revenge on the corrupt emperor who killed his family and put him in slavery. I thought the story was very entertaining and I thought the scale of this film matched the story it wanted to tell.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were excellent through the acting and characteristics. Russell Crow as Maximus was a great lead and you cared for him because of what happened to him and you route for his cause. Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus was another interesting character through his cold nature and his conflict with Maximus was felt throughout the entire film and you wanted them to have a proper confrontation. The side cast did a good job as well filling in the rest of the cast to add chemistry with the main cast. 

As for the film's visuals I thought were one of the best parts about the film managing to have sweeping direction that across the film added to the experience especially when the action started getting up close to capture the brutality but also so you could see what was going on and enjoy it more. Now we have the action which was brutal and thrilling but still very entertaining to watch from the large scale battle at the start of the film to the battles fought in the Colosseum.  Moving onto the tone of the film which I enjoyed as it created an epic and dark film that fit the time period the film was set in. I thought the soundtrack of the film which I enjoyed having a mixture of tracks that work for all the emotions in this film from anger to sadness and even adding to the tension is some scenes. 

Overall, I thought this film was very enjoyable through it's story that unfolded as the first betrayal was felt and from there it got better and better. This was also thanks to a great cast and thrilling action to make a complete film.

I give Gladiator a score of 9/10

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