Saturday, September 15, 2018

Princess Mononoke

For the twenty-fifth film of the month we have Princess Mononoke

First off, we have the story which has a young prince Ashitaka's involvement in a struggle between the gods of a forest and the humans who consume its resources. I thought the story was very entertaining and how the historical aspects and the mythical aspects were intertwined built up the film very well. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very compelling and interesting especially the main character of Ashitaka as he becomes involved in the fight while he tries to lift a curse he was given. The other supporting roles were also well acted and added to the overall world and story for both sides of the fight. 

As for the film's visuals I thought again this was one of Studio Ghibli's best works such as how they created the many supernatural elements of the film but also the landscapes add to the land so it feels like old Japan. Now we have the action which I thought was both entertaining and thrilling as the conflict between the humans and forest creatures ran rampant. Moving onto the tone of the film which managed to capture the essence of fantasy as well as the scale of an adventure film that makes it entertaining to watch. I thought the soundtrack of the film was very good as it mixed tracks of mystery and suspense with action. 

Overall, I thought this film was another great addition into the Studio Ghibli catalogue with their take on a epic historical with a fantastic story and characters and creatures that build the world to make it interesting.

I give Princess Mononoke a score of 9/10

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