Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Stand By Me

Stand By Me 1986 American Theatrical Release Poster.jpg

For the eighteenth film of the month we have Stand By Me 

First off, we have the story which has a writer who recounts a journey with his friends to find the body of a missing boy. I thought the story was very entertaining and the nice moments between the characters built it up. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were the best part of the film and the chemistry between the main characters were great and you could tell how much they cared for each other and would back each other up and the acting showed that.

As for the film's visuals I thought the film looked really good and there were some very good shots through because of the camera positioning and movement and the lighting wasn't that bad either. Moving onto the tone of the film which I liked as it managed to balance both the comedy as well as the drama to make a consistent film. I thought the soundtrack of the film was good and had all sorts of tracks that fit the time and setting of the film. 

Overall, I thought this film was a very enjoyable film mostly because of the well fleshed out characters and their relationships. With this being another film based on a Stephen King work I thought it was very good just like the last ones.

I give Stand By Me a score of 8/10

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