Sunday, September 16, 2018

Witness For The Prosecution

For the twenty-seventh film of the month we have Witness For The Prosecution

First off, we have the story which has a veteran British barrister who must defend his client in a murder trial. I thought the story was very interesting with all the twists and turns of the case made it more entertaining to see what the end result would be. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very good as they were the main focus of the film by being in a murder trial so the acting had to be at a good standard to provide the necessary emotional responses which they did from the witness, defence and prosecution.

As for the film's visuals I thought it had some consistent cinematography over the course of the film although nothing standing out which took me away which was fine for it being a courtroom drama. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thought did a good job at building up the mystery and suspense of the trial as new evidence was brought to light and witnesses were called for. I thought the soundtrack which when used throughout the film was pretty good and added to the tension being built up over the court case.

Overall, I thought this film was very enjoyable especially for the twists it provided which was built up by some good performances by the main cast and a tone throughout where you could feel something was off. 

I give Witness For The Prosecution a score of 8/10

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