Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Godfather Part 2

For the next film we have The Godfather Part 2

First off, we have the story which shows the rise of Vito Corleone as well as the life of new head of the family Michael as he plans to grow the family. I thought the story was very compelling and very consistent with the two story-lines that were spread throughout.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very enjoyable from both sides of the film with watching how Vito Corleone became the mafia head that he was in the first film. On the other side was his son Michael as he continues to the reign the family.

Now we have the action which although there wasn't as much as before but when needed it was very entertaining to watch. As for the visuals I thought the film looked good with some interesting camera shots as well as the lighting which at parts really added to some of the scenes throughout. I also thought the location choices also added to the film's story as the parts with young Vito have him travel to the US while in the present places like Cuba are used. Moving onto the tone of the film which was very consistent throughout with the aspects of the mafia and when violence was needed it was very good at portraying it. I thought the soundtrack of the film which continues the Italian based soundtrack with tracks that varied from fun and light hearted to slower and melancholic tracks.

Overall, I thought this film was very entertaining and as a sequel to the first film which I also enjoyed I thought it was a deserved sequel and continuation to the first film.

I give The Godfather Part 2 a score of 9/10

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