Saturday, April 6, 2019


For the eighth film of the month we have Hugo

First off, we have the story which has an orphan named Hugo Cabret, who lives in the walls of a train station, is wrapped up in a mystery involving his late father and an automaton. I thought the story was very enjoyable and the pacing was perfect for the story telling. 

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very interesting but all were well acted and the chemistry throughout was touching and heartwarming. 

As for the film's visuals I thought the cinematography throughout was great and the production design brought you in to the world and the camerawork was vivid and complex. Moving onto the tone of the film which balanced some interesting drama with hints of comedy to make the film enjoyable. I thought the soundtrack of the film suited the setting and time the film is set in. 

Overall, I thought this film was enjoyable and the care that was taken to produce the film and as it progressed and certain things are revealed later on in the story it  makes the film even better. 

I give Hugo a score of 8/10

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