Sunday, May 13, 2018


For the next film we have Blade

First off, we have the story which has Blade a half human, half vampire who must stop Deacon Frost a rebel vampire who has sinister plans for the vampire council as well as Blade himself. I found the story to be very interesting especially the way they handled vampires to be what they should be blood thirsty killers.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I found very interesting with Blade being a different take on the superhero you would expect to see in this type of film and that's what made him compelling. The villain Deacon was ok but not the best villain of a superhero film.

Now we have the action which I thought was very entertaining with the way Blade would take down the vampires. Another aspect was how violent and gory it was which fit the tone of the film well. As for the visuals, I thought the film had some decent sequences set throughout and this was done through good cinematography with the standout part being the lighting which was used to good effect. Moving onto the tone of the film, which I enjoyed as it took a darker twist to the superhero genre which was a nice change to other movies of the same genre. I thought the soundtrack of the film was good in parts of the movie especially the action scenes.

Overall, I thought this film was a decent superhero movie with a compelling story with interesting characters that carried the film and I am interested in watching the sequels to see what they do next.

I give Blade a score of 7/10

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