Saturday, May 12, 2018


We have Getaway as the next movie review

First off, we have the story which has a former race car driver having to work for a mysterious person in order to get back his wife who was kidnapped by the mysterious character while also having an unwitting female along for the ride. I thought the story was dull and for a chase movie was generic with no surprises to be found.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought weren't that great with the acting from the leads being poor with Ethan Hawke trying his best to make it work but his co-star Selena Gomez came across as whiny and unlikable and not like a computer hacker which is what the character should be. The villain was nothing as well, just a voice with nothing to fear or care about.

Now we have the action which was unimpressive with a lot of it being fancy crashes and lucky escapes which was hardly thrilling even if I could tell what was going on. As for the visuals I thought the film looked horrible, one because of the heavy use of shaky cam during the action sequences both inside the car and exterior during the crashes. It also wasn't helped by the editing of the film which at points cut so quickly you couldn't tell what was going on. Moving onto the tone of the film which tried to be a serious action movie but unlike other types of car movies which were fun and entertaining this took itself far too seriously than it needed to be. I thought the soundtrack of the film was none existent with no decent tracks.

Overall, I thought this film was terrible with noting to make it stand out or even make it good which was a disappointment and I won't be going back to this anytime soon.

I give Getaway a score of 2/10

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