Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Lost In Translation

For the next film of the month we have Lost In Translation

First off, we have the story which shows the bond between a failed movie star and a neglected woman in the city of Tokyo. I thought the story was very entertaining but also relate-able for a lot of people who could find themselves in this type of situation.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very likeable and the acting by Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson really showed off how lost the characters were and when they start to hang out you can see the chemistry carry the film to the next level.

As for the film's visuals I thought the location footage of Tokyo was outstanding and showed off the city really well and made you want to there and experience the culture like the characters do. The cinematography in general looked really good with some standout shots that show off so much without dialogue in them. Moving onto the tone of the film which i enjoyed how it balanced the comedic aspects as well the serious and underlying themes throughout the film which gave the film a unique feel. I thought the soundtrack of the film was fun and i liked the different genres of music used for both sets of countries to show the cross of cultures.

Overall, I thought this film was a very entertaining one that had some nice moments spread throughout along with some excellent acting that brought the two characters to life and again this is one film I would watch again.

I give Lost In Translation a score of 9/10

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