Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Hangover Part III
We now have The Hangover Part III

First off, we have the story which has the Wolfpack having to chase down Chow after one of their own is captured by a gangster. I thought the story although different from the first two and diverting from a hangover being involved I found this one to be less interesting and not executed very well.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were ok just like the previous films and the acting was average however Allan has suffered and stands out with him becoming very unlike able as well as Chow who continued to be his annoying self.

As for the visuals I thought the film looked good enough for what the films have looked like in the past with nothing really impressive standing out even though they changed the idea of the film from the previous ones. Moving onto the tone of the film which attempts to be funny like the previous ones but falls flat with the jokes it tries to pull. I thought the soundtrack of the film fit the style of music the other films had and fit the film good enough

Overall, I thought this film wasn't needed at all and could have ended with the second one even though that one copied the first one and I prefer them over this one 

I give The Hangover Part III a score of 4/10

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