Saturday, May 12, 2018


I decided to watch Spectre

First off, we have the story which has Bond uncovering a secret message that leads him to the evil organisation S.P.E.C.T.R.E. and it's mysterious leader. I thought the story was enjoyable with some very good scenes however in places in did seem to drag in a few places and the film could have been cut-down slightly.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were mixed with Daniel Craig giving a good performance as Bond as well as the MI6 usual's who also did a decent job. However Léa Seydoux as Madeline Swan was less than impressive. Christoph Waltz as the villain sounded good on paper but in reality was lackluster in his role.

Now we have the action which was very well paced as well as the set-pieces being thrilling and enjoyable to watch with the car chase in Rome being one of the standout ones in the film. As for the visuals I thought the film was excellently directed by Sam Mendez who also did the previous film Skyfall. The settings added to the overall tone that this movie took. The action was also directed well to show what was going on in those sequences. Moving onto the tone of the film which took the form of it being a darker Bond after the events of Skyfall was glad to see carried over to this one. I thought the soundtrack of the film was a good one for this film and had varied tracks for certain moments such as action or slower moments.

Overall, I thought this film was a decent Bond film and one I would be willing to watch again in the future but out of the Craig films it doesn't stand up to some of the other ones.

I give Spectre a score of 7/10

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