Saturday, May 12, 2018

Inglorious Basterds

I decided to watch Inglorious Basterds

First off, we have the story which has two assassination plots of two Nazi leaders that are planned by a group of Jewish/American soldiers who cross paths with a theatre owner who is planning the same thing. I thought the story was very entertaining with some shocking but funny moments and it impressed me after dismissing it a while ago.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very entertaining on both sides of the war with the Basterds lead by Brad Pitt's Raine as well as Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz who were some of the standouts. On the German side you had Christoph Waltz's Landa who was crazy as well as threatening. However all the acting in this film was good.

Now we have the action which was violent but also thrilling which is a staple of Tarantino's work. As for the visuals I thought the film looked great being it was directed by Quinton Tarantino and the cinematography stood out in terms of the lighting but also with some of the camera movement and angles added to the film. Moving onto the tone of the film which I found really good with the way the satirical aspects are used to make the film ridiculous but fun. I thought the soundtrack of the film really added to the tone that the film had throughout and certain pieces of music were used at moments that made them stand out from others.
Overall, I thought this film was a surprising one with a great story, funny characters, thrilling violence and soundtrack that brought all those scenes together.

I give Inglorious Basterds a score of 8/10

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