Sunday, May 13, 2018

Transformers: The Last Knight

For the newest film I went to go when it came out in the cinema was Transformers: The Last Knight

First off we have the story which has Cade again being involved with the Transformers again to find out why they continue to come to Earth as well as Optimus who has found his creator and now wants to rebuild his home. I thought the story was alright for the most part with a god start and ending however the middle part of he story did have some flaws and some cutaways to people who didn't add anything to the film

Next we have the characters which overall I thought Cade was better in this film than the last film however the main female lead Viviane was annoying in parts of the movie. I also thought Isabela was another good character who should have had more screen time and her potential wasn't fulfilled. Finally Edmund Burton was ok in places even though he was just there to be a exposition dump character. Most of the comedy throughout didn't add to the film, it wasn't funny and took away from certain important scenes.

Now we have the action which I thought was ok, The action in  the middle and end of the movie was enjoyable although some scenes were rittled with shaky cam which was annoying in places. As for the visuals I thought the film looked good for the most part besides the shaky cam during the action. The locations in the film looked really good and the visuals showed them off well. Moving onto the tone of the movie which made it feel like a Transformers film should be, which was a little repetitive and could have done with a change to shake things up. I thought the soundtrack of the film was lackluster and added nothing to the film. 

Overall I thought this film was ok, it was far from being the worst of the Transformers movies as well as being a good movie in general. However I thought it was tolerable and would watch it again at some-point.

I give Transformers: The Last Knight a score of 6/10

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