Sunday, May 13, 2018

Cast Away

Now we have Cast Away

First off, we have the story which has a FedEx worker crashing on a island and must adapt to survive until he is rescued. I thought the story was very compelling and the pacing of it was used well to show both Tom Hank's acting but also the development of the character.
Next, we have the main character Chuck which I thought was very compelling and interesting once he got the island as you see how develops from when he first got the island to when he knowledgeable about it.

As for the visuals I thought the film looked really good, especially on the island with how desolate it was. I thought the lighting was stand out from the day scenes to the night scenes on the island to add to the overall feel of the island. Moving onto the tone of the film which really added weight to the situation that Chuck ends up in and his attempts to survive. I thought the soundtrack of the film which when used added something to the film that really worked, in terms of the sound design itself that too stood out as you had all the sounds of the island going on as well as some others.

Overall, I thought this film was a really enjoyable film and one of the few Tom Hanks films I have seen I can see why it was once of his best ones.

I give Cast Away a score of 8/10

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