Saturday, May 12, 2018

Ghost In The Shell

The next film I decided to watch was Ghost In The Shell

First off we have the story which focuses on the Major as she wants to figure out her past. I thought the story was an interesting take on the series with some enjoyable moments.

Next we have the characters which overall I thought were good for the most part and acted decently with the character of the Major because of Scarlett Johansson's portrayal of the character. Another character was Batou because of his relationship with the Major. However the villain of the film was lackluster and generic. 

Now we have the action which I thought was entertaining and the camerawork for the action was done well. One of the few standout sequences was a fight in a suburb where the Major fights while invisible.Another sequence was fight against the spider tank which was just as good as the original film's fight. As for the visuals I thought the style adapted from the original film to live action felt true to the source material. The cinematography for the film was standout with it's different colours with mix of darker ones that made the film visually good to look at. Some of the locations greatly matched ones seen in the original movie which was nice to see.The special effects for the film looked great as well. Moving onto the tone of the movie which definitely felt like Ghost In The Shell with it's take on cyberpunk and cyborgs with souls. I thought the soundtrack of the film was alright and none of the tracks stood out besides "Making Of A Cyborg" which was in the credits. This was nice to hear as it was in the original

Overall I thought this film was very enjoyable for what it was as it's own adaptation of the original source material and I can respect that they had to change a few aspects when going to live action.

Ghost In The Shell give a score of 7/10

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