Sunday, May 13, 2018

Fight Club

We now have Fight Club

First off, we have the story which focuses on the creation of a Fight Club by the Narrator and his relationship with Tyler Durden. I thought the story was different which made it very compelling and was captivated throughout.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were complex and interesting especially the main character and how he progresses throughout the film from going to random help groups to creating the Fight Club. The acting by Norton and Pitt was excellent and added to the characters performance.

Now we have the action which mostly took the form of the fights that the people in Fight Club go through every-time they go. The fights are gritty and bloody but very enjoyable to watch. As for the visuals I thought the film looked really good with the cinematography adding to the viewing. The lighting and shot choice add to the stylised look it was going for. Moving onto the tone of the film which I thoroughly enjoyed with the way it uses the psychological and thriller aspects such as what the characters, for example the narrator are going through. I thought the soundtrack of the film matched the film's gritty and violent style that the film was going for with urban styled music.

Overall, I thought this film was new and different and it made wish I had seen this film earlier on because I really enjoyed it and would watch it again.

I give Fight Club a score of 10/10

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