Sunday, May 13, 2018

Terminator Genisys

We now have Terminator Genisys

First off, we have the story which has Kyle Reese going back in time to protect Sarah Connor but finds the timeline has changed drastically. I thought the story was very boring and convoluted as it tried to work it's way into the first two movies with not very good results.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very mixed with Arnold standing out as the Terminator and Emilia Clarke doing a decent job as Sarah Connor however it took time for her to get going. Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese stuck out in a bad way with his acting that just felt wooden and forced.

Now we have the action which were big in scale but also found to be forgettable with the editing of them especially not helping the cause as it cut from one shot to the other without showing the previous shot for long enough to appreciate it. As for the visuals I thought the film although very CGI heavy during the action sequences and for the Terminators it did have a few half decent shots thrown in. Moving onto the tone of the film which I found very generic for an action and especially for a Terminator film which has been very enjoyable and entertaining but this time I felt the film was missing something that made it enjoyable. I thought the soundtrack of the film which besides the main theme of the franchise which is always good to hear, the rest of the soundtrack lacked.

Overall, I thought this film was another disappointing Terminator film with a convoluted story-line and forgettable action but the characters at least try to make it interesting.

I give Terminator Genisys a score of 3/10

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