Saturday, May 12, 2018

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

The next film I decided to watch was Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

First off, we have the story which I thought was very interesting with each part of the film taking up a particular story-line just like the previous film and I found the stories in this one enjoyable.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were just as good as the ones in the last film with some of them crossing over and some new characters appear with most of the acting overall at a good standard.

Now we have the action which  is also done in the violent way that also continues how the first film did it. As for the visuals I thought the film looked really good with the way the film uses the neo-noir genre as it fits the type of film very well. The camerawork and lightning throughout the film adds to the genre and style the film uses. Moving onto the tone of the film which continued the first films way of having it be a neo-noir and using colours such as red, blue, pink etc.on certain aspects to give them meaning. I thought the soundtrack of the film when used added to some of the films scenes.

Overall, I thought this film was just as good as the last one but I would take the first film over this one because of the story-lines even though i liked the ones from this film..

I give Sin City: A Dame To Kill For a score of 6/10

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