Sunday, May 13, 2018

Schindler's List

We have Schindler's List

First off, we have the story which tells the life of  Oskar Schindler during World War 2. I thought the story was interesting to watch but was very disturbing in places but didn't stop me from enjoying it.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought in terms of acting was standout with Liam Neeson starred as Oskar who's change from the beginning to the end of the film was compelling to see. The other standout was Ben Kingsley as Izthak who was Oskar's main helper.

Now we have the action which is shown with the violence during World War 2 and had bad it got and it doesn't shame away from showing what happened during the period. As for the visuals I thought the film looked really good with the cinematography adding to the film especially the lighting which along with the film being in black and white adds the overall feel of the film. Moving onto the tone of the film which although very disturbing at parts because of the time period the film was set in it correctly does it and not shying away from it. I thought the soundtrack of the film which when used added to the film with the music you would have heard at the time in certain scenes as well as some sombre and slower tracks for other scenes.

Overall, I thought this film was fascinating to watch and I can see why the film is a standout one with it's direction, characters and a tone that stayed true to the time period of the film.

I give Schindler's List a score of 9/10

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