Saturday, May 12, 2018


The next film I decided to watch Se7en

First off, we have the story which has two detectives hunting a serial killer who bases his crimes on the Seven Deadly Sins. I thought the story was very intriguing, especially the seven deadly sins theme which hooked me from the start.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were also another great part of the film with the characters trying to catch the killer and the road it leads them on especially Brad Pitt's as Detective Mills. His chemistry with Morgan Freeman's Detective Somerset was built up well over the course of the film. Finally we have the villain and when he shows up and the actions you see he has done throughout makes him a great villain.

Now we have the action which for what there was in the film in terms of the kills were not shown on screen and you see the aftermath of the killings which are twisted, disgusting  and hard to watch. As for the visuals I thought the film looked really good and the unsettling atmosphere as well as the nature of the killings which were disturbing to look at. Throughout the film the killer is built up really well through the visuals until you finally see him which was very interesting to see. Moving onto the tone of the film which took a darker twist to the detective on the hunt for a killer story and it wasn't afraid to show off what the killer did to the victims. I thought the soundtrack of the film did a really good job at adding to the film with slower tracks that built up over time as well as more action based tracks when things went down.

Overall, I thought this film was shocking in places but still highly entertaining with a compelling story, interesting characters and an overall atmosphere that makes this a great great thriller.

I give Se7en a score of 9/10

Update: 21/07/19 - 10/10

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