Saturday, May 12, 2018

Django Unchained

I decided to watch Django Unchained

First off, we have the story which has a bounty hunter helping a a freed slave to get his wife back from a plantation owner. I thought the story was very entertaining with some shocking and brutal moments mixed in with bits of comedy which was nice.

Next, we have the characters which overall, I thought were very compelling to watch helped by the actors in this film. Christoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx and Leonardo Di Caprio give standout performances and played off each other well but I couldn't forget Samuel L . Jackson's sly performance as well.

Now we have the action which done in the way Tarantino always does it: very violent and gory but also very thrilling to watch although difficult in this film considering the time period of the film. As for the visuals I thought the film looked great, one because of the locations used for the film as well as the cinematography by Robert Richardson who you would expect to pull off a good job. There was also the use of western camera shots such as the quick zoom into peoples faces for a reaction shot. Moving onto the tone of the film which was classic Tarantino, heavy violence and fun and compelling dialogue to listen to. I thought the soundtrack of the film was great at adding to the western aspect that this movie went with while having the Tarantino feel to it and for a western I enjoyed his take on it.

Overall, I thought this film was another standout one by Tarantino and he does himself one better every film he makes and I'm looking forward to his next film The Hateful Eight

I give Django Unchained a score of 10/10

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